This Halloween we couldn't agree on a family theme so everyone just picked something. We mostly just used costumes we already had. Karley was a pumpkin. Spencer was Dumbo. Audrey was Tinkerbell. Hailey was a ladybug and Mark and I were Nacho Libre and Encarnacion.
We went to our Ward Trunk-o-treat. THe kids played games and rode Mimi and Papa's horse train. They all had fun and got WAY too much candy.
Conference weekend after our morning soccer games we drove over to Wilcox to Apple Annie's Pumpkins and Produce. We took a hayride to the pumpkin patch to find our perfect pumpkins. After the hayride we found out way through the corn maze. It was a lot warmer than I thought it would be and we all got a bit sun burned. The kids had a lot of fun though.
Karley Marie Smith was born at 1:21 PM on June 22. She weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long.
My water was broken by the doctor around 9:00 They monitored me for an hour and then I walked the halls of the hospital from 10-11:30 or so. By then my contractions were every 4 minutes apart and getting uncomfortable. I went back to my room and took a warm shower. It felt so good I didn't want to get out. When I got out of the shower the nurse checked me and I was at a 7. She had me sit-up on the end of the bed and went to call the anesthesiologist. Well it seemed to me the the doctor was taking FOREVER to come. My contraction were about a minuet or 2 apart and very painful. I actually felt some pressure like I needed to push, but I was holding out for that epidural. The Doctor finally came in and she had a student with her. She took her sweet little time and kept telling me to breath when I had a contraction. I thought to myself "if she tells me to 'just breath' one more time I might punch her." My nurse asked me if I was feeling any pressure. I should have said yes, but I was having a contraction and I wanted that stinking epidural. I finally got the epidural and the nurse had me lay down to check me and I was at a 10, 100% and Karley's head was right there. She texted the doctor who ran over. My epidural hadn't kicked in yet and after 3 short pushes and the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck Karley was born.
They put her on my chest and I held her and looked at her little swollen face. She had about 2 inches of hair in the back and just a little skiff of hair in the front. She was adorable and then she promptly pooped :)
Tomorrow is the big day! I was dilated to about a 4 last week so the doctor scheduled me to be induced tomorrow. Hopefully I'll just have my water broken and be good to go. I was hoping this time I'd be able to go into labor on my own, but I don't think it is ever going to happen. Maybe a week or so over my due date.
I'm so nervous and excited. I'm excited to hold her and see if she has hair and what she looks like. I'm excited to see how big she is. My guess is 8 pounds 5 oz. :) I'm nervous about having a barely 2 year old and a new baby.
The kids are all excited. They have been counting down the days for about a month and a half. It was fun to tell them this morning that tomorrow is the big day. I'm not sure if Spencer understands completely, but I think he gets that Karley is a baby. I just don't know if he understands that she will be living with us for ever and mommy is going to be holding her a lot.
Well, whether I'm ready or not it's happening tomorrow. I just hope all goes well and we get to come home with a healthy (and preferably) happy baby girl.
I can't believe my baby boy is turning two. It seems like only yesterday I had him. He has brought so much joy into our lives. He was the best baby and he's turned into a silly little boy. He loves to sing, his favorite songs right now are: "I love to see the Temple", "Choose the Right", "Follow the Prophet", "Fireworks" and ABCs, He likes to watch a little Signing Time and Sesame Street. He keeps us on our toes and is constantly getting into something or climbing onto something. He loves to swing a baseball bat and hit the ball. He likes to ride big wheels and go swimming. He loves to ride Papa's tractor. He can be so sweet and he gives the best hugs and kisses. He can also be a little pest like when he pulls out Audrey's hair or throws a cup filled with something on the floor.
We are so blessed to have in our family.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Karley Marie is due in 3 weeks. It seems so soon. This pregnancy went by so quickly. I've been feeling pretty good. This last week my feet started swelling and my back and leg ligaments are hurting. It's not too bad though. Next week I'll get checked to see if I've dilated at all. I'm still not having very many contractions so I won't be surprised if I haven't dilated much at all. I still have a lot to do with work and the house before I'm ready for Karley to make her debut.
Here is a picture from the end of March. I just thought it was cute.
I had a doctors appointment yesterday. This baby girl is growing well. I'm measuring right on (even if I've already gained all the weight I should have gained the entire pregnancy). Her heartbeat is strong and she moving more and more. I'm having a lot less contractions this time around then I had with my other pregnancies. Everything seems to be going really well. (knock on wood) The only little issue I have is a small umbilical hernia.