Thursday, June 21, 2012

D Day

Tomorrow is the big day! I was dilated to about a 4 last week so the doctor scheduled me to be induced tomorrow. Hopefully I'll just have my water broken and be good to go. I was hoping this time I'd be able to go into labor on my own, but I don't think it is ever going to happen. Maybe a week or so over my due date. I'm so nervous and excited. I'm excited to hold her and see if she has hair and what she looks like. I'm excited to see how big she is. My guess is 8 pounds 5 oz. :) I'm nervous about having a barely 2 year old and a new baby. The kids are all excited. They have been counting down the days for about a month and a half. It was fun to tell them this morning that tomorrow is the big day. I'm not sure if Spencer understands completely, but I think he gets that Karley is a baby. I just don't know if he understands that she will be living with us for ever and mommy is going to be holding her a lot. Well, whether I'm ready or not it's happening tomorrow. I just hope all goes well and we get to come home with a healthy (and preferably) happy baby girl.

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