Monday, May 17, 2010

Children's Theater- The Jungle Book

Hailey participated in her first play- Disney's The Jungle Book. There were so many children in the play that they had to add a few extra part like Flowers. Hailey was a flower. I had to make her costume and it didn't quite turn out as I had planned, but what can you do. Hailey was so excited to be in the play she practiced her song and dance pretty much every day. Audrey even had it all down. Audrey was disappointed that she couldn't be in the play and she kept asking me when I was going to make her flower costume. Of course I missed the play too while I was in the hospital. Mark recorded part of it (though he wasn't suppose to) so I could at least see some of it.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Hailey makes a cute little flower!